Thursday, December 10, 2009

The key word being interactive.

What is meant by online advertising? A campaign banner? Shares of web marketing? Or placement in search engines? The distinction between these various uses, is often pursued as technicalities that many have neither the time or will to pursue. But, by making it simpler, the results are often ineffective and can lead to a complete failure.

There are numerous reasons for this, that are mostly overseen:

Firstly, any investment made on the web for marketing purposes should aim to win the trust of the target. If your advertisement or your site were not built with this guideline the chances of having a return on investment would be very unlikely.

It is often believed by entrepreneurs that internet surfers are not attentive, and quite frankly, not quite smart. But more than ever before, we know that this is not true. Certain people visit certain sites, and therefore ads need to be structured and places around these targets. More than ever, the expectations of what internet can offer and flying sky high!

So how can you put into place an effective internet ad?

Before you think of online advertising is necessary to verify the validity of your site. Beware though, it is not enough that you like it or that you have received compliments on it: you must check if it pleases those who want to obtain something. This can be done by testing and analyzing the access log.

There is also a more rudimentary way.

If you have a thousand visitors today, and none to a few behave the way you would have hoped, then you can guess things will most likely be unfathomed by adding ads. There is software today, that with a simple click can inform you on the effectiveness of the ad, what kind of people are looking into it, the keywords that led to it…

The effectiveness of a site is determined by its ability to meet the needs of
those who consult it. So what information is looked for by potential customers in your site? Do you have all the information needed? Are they delivered in the right way, inciting your customers to pursue contact with you?

It has become quite obvious in the past couple of years that internet has its own language. Especially since it has become an interactive portal, where everyone can have their word to say, or to type. The way we communicate via it, is completely different than via word of mouth, therefore the style, the tone of the ad must be completely different.

The key word being “interactive”.

It is important to not only keep to notion in mind, but to encourage it because this is what surfers are looking for. If one buys a product through the net rather than going to the store, it is because it offers simplicity and comfort. Without leaving your house you can ask questions on the product, see images… Know if this is in fact what you really want. These criterias are avidly important while inserting ads on the net. One who can meet these criterias already has a step ahead on many entrepreneurs.

We believe the biggest advantage though, is the low cost in comparison to the ample spectrum of people it can affect. If done right, a simple email with an ad can be sent to thousands of people, and be very productive. All this for no costs!

If one knows how to do it right, it is one of the most productive advertisements. An example of that is simply by typing keywords into Google or MSN. The companies that appear on the top of the search list are there every day of the year, every minute, all over the world.

Types of Online Ads

After posting some tips for you about improving advertisements on the internet, we now go on in presenting the most common types of ads. The difficulty in attracting the target’s mind in order to convince to buy products, services or offers from the internet increases from day to day. So the different types of online ads have been invented through the years in order to attract users and to catch the users attention to make them becoming customers.

Banner Ads:
This type is the first kind of advertising that was done on the internet. A banner is used to highlight the product (service, offer) or just to create attention. By one click users arrive on the desired website where they can find the appropriate information about what they are searching for.

Floating Ads
It is the kind of ad that appears on the screen "floating" after opening the webpage, for 30 sec.
During the time they are on the screen they hide what the viewer tries to read, and they also block the mouse sometime, so it is needed a refresh to make appear the ad again. Basically it is an irritating ad. But they are popular because:
  • They grab the viewer’s attention;
  • They can occupy all the screen;
  • They content audio/video, animations
  • They have a high click rate.
Interstitial Ads
They are an advertising form that appears between web pages that the user requests. They are preferred for the ads that contain large graphics, streaming media or applets, because of the interstitials that are loaded in the background.

Unicast Ads
They can be as powerful as TV commercial are. unicast Ads have audio and video content. They can last anywhere from 10 or 30 sec. Anyway they have a even greater potential as TV commercials have because the user can get to the information he is interested in by one click. They are getting really popular, and have a average click-through rate of 5%.

Takeover Ads
This large ad appears immediately after users visit the website. The continuity is maintained by keeping the same message in the form of banners, side bars, or buttons. This kind of ad does a good job for branding, as the brand is visible to viewers throughout the visit of the site.

Contextual Ads
This type of ad is commonly used for content-based websites. With the contextual advertising, the ad appears by being based on the content of the actual page. In the beginning a contextual advertising system scans the text of a webpage for keyword phrases, and then the system becomes specific, by having the content that the ads are based on.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

User Friendly Ads & Tips for Online Advertising

Over advertising is the biggest mistake made by website owners. Users tend to leave when they browse a site with too many ads because they like to control and hate being forced to search for content. Pop-ups, flashing ads or tons of text link ads annoy them a lot when searching for content online.

To avoid this, Mark8t – e-marketing solutions have offered some tips ideas and thoughts on how to make your site and content Ad Friendly.

Flashing Gifs are just one of these annoying kinds of ads that should not be used on the internet. They confuse the user and make him angry because he is not able to concentrate on the subject he would like to.

Pop-Ups are also ads, without the user could have a better live while using the internet. They are extra annoying if they appear although the pop-up blocker is activated.

Waiting for Content on the internet (Splash Page) is a fact users hate. The internet has to be fast and ads which prevent this are really unnecessary. Two seconds are enough and the user leaves the website.

Flash ads often implicate the problem that loading the ad needs time, which again is not the best strategy to attract user’s attention in a positive way.
Videos on Auto Play create the same trouble for users and therefore videos should not be set on Auto Play.

Research and clarity are two important guidelines in creating ads. In addition you should have the loading time in mind and the intention to keep the message simple. Also use words with a high load of emotions and be smart in using images.Get more useful tips for good ads on Mark8t – e-marketing solutions.

How to make the most from online advertising?

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Online advertising tools – Podcasting

Podcasting is one of the latest addition to online advertising. The term has been developed as a combination of “broadcasting” and “iPod”— referring to Apple’s MP3 player, although nowadays any MP3 player can play the content.

Podcasts are web based audio broadcasts, which can be downloaded as an MP3 file or subscribe to a feed which allows them to stream new podcasts whenever available. What we have to do is just look on the Internet find podcasts which we are interested in, subscribe to them and then get them synchronized into our MP3 device.

With the podcasts we can now listen to our favorite programs, talk shows while jogging, driving to work, etc. They also make it possible to listen to early morning news later during the day. Standing in line in front of cinema not knowing which movie to watch, you can still listen to movie reviews via podcasts.

Sweneey et al. (2006) mention the many benefits that podcasts bring to subscribers:

1. "They get great content on subjects that interest them."
Nowadays you have podcasts on any topic you can think of, from online advertising to various cooking advices. Lot of podcast directories pop up when browsing the internet which eases our work to find the content you are looking for. As podcasts are distributed via RSS feeds, it also makes it possible to subscribe only to podcasts we are interested in.

2. "The technology puts the subscribers in control."
Podcasts give to user freedom and possibility to access whatever they want and listen to it whenever they want and wherever they are. You do not have to sit in front of your computer anymore to listen to a podcast or tune a radio within its frequency range. You can be beside the pool, exercising, on the plane and still listen to a podcast.

3. "Content, at this stage, is often still free to the subscriber."
As for now, all the podcast content is free of charge, not a single penny should be paid to listen or subscribe to a podcast source. However, in near future things might change and podcast providers might ask for a fee if they get known for their excellent content. Still others may decide to use podcasts as marketing tool not to charge a fee to their users.

4. "Podcast content is very often niched."
This gives great, highly targeted opportunity to the podcast sources to target their niche market. Moreover, it is also of great interest for the podcast users as they are looking for sources which suite their interests.

Sweneey et al. (2006) also suggest that usually podcast users are looking for control and ad avoidance, which asks the podcast marketers to be more sensitive and tilt their podcasts in a way that would have suited the needs of target markets and not annoying them with lot of advertising. Too much advertising will make them unsubscribe from your podcast. Likewise, internet marketers should look for ways on how to incorporate their message within the content of their podcasts rather than an advertisement.

Source: Sweneey et al. (2006): 3G Marketing on the Internet.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Online Campaigns

You have seen an interesting online advertising campaign and would like to know more about it? On this German website you get information about the agency that is responsible, the campaign as a whole and a lot more helpful details. Login to get the English version started.


If you need numbers and figures or reports and research on special topics, visit this website. It provides information about trends and trendsetters in consumer media and marketing behaviour.

Welcome to the World of Online Advertising!

The Birth of Online Advertising

With the first banner used in 1993 by Heller, Ehrmann and McAuliffe, created by Global Network Navigator, a rapidly growing business started developing. Already one year later the first commercial banner was published on a company’s website and indicates the birth of Online Advertising. That was a revolution in advertising because from now on it was possible to click on the banner ad and get information and statistical data about click through rates and customers.

This way of marketing communication became extremely popular and led to an immensely growth of so called Dotcom-Companies. However, in year 2000 too many companies trusted in new and obviously exciting ideas concerning business models on internet and the Dotcom crash was the consequence. Actually, too many of these ideas were not able to survive. Thus investments were lost, returns too little or even not existing. This crisis influenced economy in the whole world and changed the market for online advertising enormously.

Positive and Negative side of Online Advertising

As we see there are not only pros for online advertising but also some cons. For instance the highly competitive internet market can be a big challenge especially for smaller companies. Online Advertising has to be managed very well and activities have to be evaluated otherwise money can be wasted by campaigns that are ineffective. However the number of pros prevails. By evaluating your actions very sensitive and useful information about the target and its behaviour can be obtained. Current and future campaigns can be specialised and improved.

Although figures that count advertising costs like Cost per Click etc. vary to other media like TV and print media, a comparison of effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns with other media can be done. Additionally advertising through internet can be cheap and offers a lot of different alternatives: from promoting yourself on your own website to taking out ads on the foreign sites (by banner etc.) up to e-mail advertising. Everything is possible and indirect forms like Interstitials, Newsletters, Microsites, Sticky Ads, Affiliate Marketing tools and Rich Media offer multifarious opportunities for Online Advertising but it has to be made and combined carefully. Keyword-Advertising through Search Engine Optimization for example can be managed by nearly everyone who spends a bit time for engaging in tools like Google AdWords.

Let’s Collaborate

Nevertheless Online Advertising further brings variety of interesting topics and discussions. Therefore in this blog we will try to provide you with most useful and up-to-date information about online advertising and the Digital Marketing world.

Besides providing constructive material and links we want to offer you a lot of space for discussions and further thinking. Feel free to place problems, ask for help or give hints to interesting topics.

Your USI OnlineAds Crew!