Sunday, December 6, 2009

Welcome to the World of Online Advertising!

The Birth of Online Advertising

With the first banner used in 1993 by Heller, Ehrmann and McAuliffe, created by Global Network Navigator, a rapidly growing business started developing. Already one year later the first commercial banner was published on a company’s website and indicates the birth of Online Advertising. That was a revolution in advertising because from now on it was possible to click on the banner ad and get information and statistical data about click through rates and customers.

This way of marketing communication became extremely popular and led to an immensely growth of so called Dotcom-Companies. However, in year 2000 too many companies trusted in new and obviously exciting ideas concerning business models on internet and the Dotcom crash was the consequence. Actually, too many of these ideas were not able to survive. Thus investments were lost, returns too little or even not existing. This crisis influenced economy in the whole world and changed the market for online advertising enormously.

Positive and Negative side of Online Advertising

As we see there are not only pros for online advertising but also some cons. For instance the highly competitive internet market can be a big challenge especially for smaller companies. Online Advertising has to be managed very well and activities have to be evaluated otherwise money can be wasted by campaigns that are ineffective. However the number of pros prevails. By evaluating your actions very sensitive and useful information about the target and its behaviour can be obtained. Current and future campaigns can be specialised and improved.

Although figures that count advertising costs like Cost per Click etc. vary to other media like TV and print media, a comparison of effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns with other media can be done. Additionally advertising through internet can be cheap and offers a lot of different alternatives: from promoting yourself on your own website to taking out ads on the foreign sites (by banner etc.) up to e-mail advertising. Everything is possible and indirect forms like Interstitials, Newsletters, Microsites, Sticky Ads, Affiliate Marketing tools and Rich Media offer multifarious opportunities for Online Advertising but it has to be made and combined carefully. Keyword-Advertising through Search Engine Optimization for example can be managed by nearly everyone who spends a bit time for engaging in tools like Google AdWords.

Let’s Collaborate

Nevertheless Online Advertising further brings variety of interesting topics and discussions. Therefore in this blog we will try to provide you with most useful and up-to-date information about online advertising and the Digital Marketing world.

Besides providing constructive material and links we want to offer you a lot of space for discussions and further thinking. Feel free to place problems, ask for help or give hints to interesting topics.

Your USI OnlineAds Crew!

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